These figures drawn from 12-2-91 letter to the City of San Rafael.  Cost and amount have changed since then.
Front (near Grand Ave Bridge) of S. R. Canal 
Cost to Dispose 4,000 cy oil/grease spoils
Port Sonoma Canalway
Offload/spread  $             13  $           3
Facility use  $               1  $           1
Bioremediation  $             25  $         25
Port Sonoma Canalway
Sonoma Cost  $     156,000
Canalway Cost  $ 116,000
 $ 40,000
Bioremediation entails disposing
dredged materials on an upland site. 
Enzymes are then added into the soil 
which then magically eats the toxics
that were in the dredged material.